Many schools use the Accelerated Reader program to encourage extra reading through their school library. Renaissance Learning has provided AR quizzes for the HIP novels listed on this page.

Title | Quiz# | Author | IL | BL | |||||
Against All Odds | 112143 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.0 | |||||
Avalanche | 87966 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.1 | |||||
Baseball Bats | 141858 | Jennings | MG | 3.1 | |||||
Bat-napped | 123489 | Jennings | MG | 2.7 | |||||
Bats in the Graveyard | 112144 | Jennings | MG | 2.8 | |||||
Bats on Break | 141859 | Jennings | MG | 3.1 | |||||
Bats Past Midnight | 112145 | Jennings | MG | 2.8 | |||||
Behind the Door | 120772 | Paul Kropp | UG | 3.1 | |||||
Breaking Free | 126916 | Mulrine | UG | 3.7 | |||||
The Bully | 87973 | Brown | UG | 3.7 | |||||
Caught in the Blizzard | 75773 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.1 | |||||
Choose Your Bully | 112147 | Jamison | MG | 3.4 | |||||
The Crash | 112152 | Paul Kropp | MG | 3.2 | |||||
Curse of the Skull | 160929 | Paul Kropp | UG | 3.5 | |||||
Dancing on the Edge | 120773 | Jennings | UG | 3.0 | |||||
Dark Ryder | 112148 | Brown | UG | 4.4 | |||||
Death on the Sidewalk | 138673 | Paul Kropp | UG | 3.4 | |||||
Dog on Trial | 163559 | McNicoll | MG | 3.0 | |||||
Draco’s Fire | 133809 | Thomas | MG | 3.7 | |||||
The Edge is Burning | 126921 | Paul Kropp | UG | 3.2 | |||||
Foul Shot | 114778 | Paul Kropp | MG | 3.2 | |||||
Frozen | 151728 | Jamison | MG | 3.0 | |||||
Ghost Hotel | 141864 | Paul Kropp | MG | 3,1 | |||||
Ghost House | 75774 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.0 | |||||
Hacker | 87969 | Alex Kropp | UG | 4.2 | |||||
A Hero’s Worth | 133806 | Ouelette | MG | 3.5 | |||||
Hitting the Road | 64877 | Paul Kropp | MG | 4.3 | |||||
Hostage | 151729 | Alex Kropp | MG | 3.2 | |||||
I Didn’t Do it | 114784 | Paul Kropp | MG | 2.9 | |||||
Jingle Baats | 114785 | Jennings | MG | 2.7 | |||||
Juvie | 111427 | Paul Kropp | UG | 3.6 | |||||
The Last Dragon | 133814 | Rainfield | MG | 3.5 | |||||
Legend of the Ring | 144123 | Ouelette | MG | 3.7 | |||||
Lost | 151730 | Jennings | MG | 3.4 | |||||
Misty Knows | 111414 | Brown | MG | 3.3 | |||||
My Broken Family | 64878 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.1 | |||||
One Crazy Night | 87970 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.0 | |||||
One Last Scar | 138676 | Varrato | UG | 3.8 | |||||
Our Plane Is Down | 112150 | Paton | MG | 4.4 | |||||
Outrage | 120775 | Varrato | UG | 3.8 | |||||
Overboard | 151731 | Thomas | MG+ | 3.3 | |||||
Playing Chicken | 75776 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4 | |||||
Pump! | 111416 | Jennings | MG | 3 | |||||
Quake | 151732 | Alex Kropp | MG+ | 3.3 | |||||
Roller Coaster | 163561 | Thomas | MG | 3.1 | |||||
Running for Dave | 87972 | Jamison | UG | 3.9 | |||||
Scarface | 64881 | Paul Kropp | UG | 3.9 | |||||
Shooting the Rapids | 111418 | Paul Kropp | MG | 2.9 | |||||
Show Off | 75777 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.5 | |||||
Sizzle | 75777 | Axelrod-Contrada | UG | 3.0 | |||||
Street Scene | 64882 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.2 | |||||
Student Narc | 112151 | Paul Kropp | UG | 4.5 | |||||
Survival | 175384 | McNicoll | MG+ | 3.4 | |||||
Terror 9/11 | 75781 | Paton | UG | 4.1 | |||||
Three Feet Under | 112142 | Paul Kropp | MG | 3.2 | |||||
Turf War | 120777 | Alex Kropp | UG | 3.7 | |||||
Walking Both Sides | 144126 | Rainfield | MG | 3.5 | |||||
The Warning | 175387 | Jennings | MG+ | 3.1 | |||||
Wave | 151735 | Ouelette | MG+ | 3.5 | |||||
Winner | 123495 | Paul Kropp | MG | 2.8 | |||||
Wolves at the Gate | 144127 | Thomas | MG | 2.0 | |||||
You Can’t Make Me | 175389 | Hayden | MG+ | 3.4 |