Struggling Readers: Why Band-aids Don't Stick and Worksheets Don't Work by Lori Jamison Rog


Struggling readers don’t need is temporary solutions; what they do need is good teaching, lots of reading practice and opportunities to write. This book is full of practical ideas for helping all your students develop both confidence and competence as readers, including chapters on fluency and vocabulary, as well as reading informational and functional texts.

Available from High Interest Publishing.

Also available in French from Chenelière Éducation.

“A highlight of Struggling Readers is Rog’s accessible and engaging writing style. She meshes research with classroom experiences in a way that feels like you are having a conversation with her rather than reading a professional book. As I read Struggling Readers, I was struck by how explicit is it: Rog has clear and specific strategies to help struggling readers. These strategies are presented clearly in a way that is doable for a busy teacher working with the diverse needs of a classroom. Also, as the excerpt states, these strategies are good strategies for all readers. Struggling Readers is a win for everybody.” (CM Review)

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