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Here are some of Lori Jamison’s most popular presentation topics for teachers of Grades 3-8. Workshops may be extended and combined to suit your time frame, from 60 minutes to full day.

Contact Lori at ljamison@sasktel.net to customize a program for your professional development needs.


Do you have students in your class who can’t cope with grade-level texts? With explicit instruction, increased reading volume, and texts that students are able and willing to read, we can make a difference. In this session, you’ll receive an overview of the research as well as many practical teaching ideas to help today’s struggling readers become the independent readers of tomorrow.


Today’s intermediate students may be the “writingest” generation ever!  But how do they know when emoticons and texting abbreviations are all right and when standard English is required?  It’s still important to “Teach with a capital T” and the ten-minute minilesson is one of the most powerful tools we have.  In this session, we’ll look at some samples of student writing and share many lesson ideas ranging from content to craft to conventions.

IS THAT A FACT?  Nonfiction in the Literacy Program

Reading and writing nonfiction are essential skills for our students, between textbook reading and learning about their world.  This session will focus on practical strategies for before, during and after reading.  We’ll also look at some useful mini lessons for helping students research and write informational reports, from telegram notes to bookend paragraphs.

WRITING ABOUT READING: The Broccoli of Literacy

Writing about reading is a little like eating broccoli; you might not like it that much, but it’s really good for you.  In fact, research tells us that writing is the single best way to support comprehension and retention of what is read.  In this session, we’ll look at four main categories of written responses:  summaries, questions, graphic organizers and opinions, with particular attention to how to help struggling readers/writers respond more effectively.

“I have been in the education field for more years than I care to admit, and have attended countless workshops, but rarely one so steeped in research, yet so practical. My colleague and I have not only been talking about the ideas you presented, but we are using them as well!”     J.S., Curriculum Coordinator, Montreal QB

“I speak for the entire Southwood staff that we were able to instill the love of writing in our students because of you and the ideas your so generously shared with us.” 
W.C., Curriculum Resource Teacher, Orlando FL

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