An excerpt from a HIP novel can be an excellent text for small group guided reading. Because HIP novels are deliberately consistent in difficulty from start to finish, guiding readers through one or two chapters will often provide enough support for them to read the rest of the novel independently or with breaks for discussion using the prompts and graphic organizers in the corresponding HIP teacher’s guide. This model of small group or “guided” reading is based on the following principles:
- Rereading familiar text two or three times to build comprehension and fluency.
- Keeping the lessons – and the readings – short and focused.
- Starting with learning goals: what do you want students to know or be able to do as a result of this lesson sequence?
- Focusing on comprehension first, then word study, fluency and the writer’s craft.
- Providing opportunities for “analytic talk”, that is, discussion about the “big ideas” in the text.
- Including a “must-do” – a follow up which requires students to practice a focus strategy independently or extends their experience with the text.
For more details on this model of guided reading, see Guiding Readers: Making the Most of the 18-Minute Guided Reading Lesson by Lori Jamison Rog (Pembroke Publishers 2012).
Click here to download a JINGLE BATS lesson sequence.
Click here to download a SNAKE IN MY TOILET lesson sequence.
Click here for a Choose Your Bully lesson sequence
Click here for a Ghost House lesson sequence
Click here for the If-Then Chart from Struggling Readers: Why Worksheets Don’t Work and Band-Aids Don’t Stick by Lori Jamison